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speedplay200.gif LSD訓練營

Long slow distance running was promoted as a training method by Joe Henderson in 1969. Henderson saw his approach as providing an alternative to the dominant school of training for distance running which he called “PTA school of running-- the pain, torture, and agony ” approach. He documented the success of six competitive runners who followed in one form or another a LSD training regime, sometimes combining a few more strenuous workouts with the regular long slow distance running with weekly mileages ranging from 50-60 to 120-150 miles per week, with marathon personal bests between 2:14 and 2:50 minutes.[1] In addition, there are ultra-marathoners who use a similar method for training.

    LSD就是長距離慢跑的意思(LONG SLOWLY DISTANCE),Joe Henderson1969年首創的提升長距離跑水平的方法。  作為一種替代PTA訓練的方法(Joe認為PTA是疼、折磨和極度痛苦)。  他曾經用這個方法成功地培養出了六名跑步高手,這些人的訓練表包括力量和LSD,他們每週大概跑從(50-60英里/周)到(120-150英里/周),或者來一個超馬,此外還要跑一個從2:14分到2:50分的全馬。
[Note By Joel:1mile = 約1.6km] 

Long Slow Distance is exactly what it sounds like. A typical 5k runner might consider 8 to 10 miles LSD, while a marathoner might run 20 or more miles. LSD runs are typically done at an easy pace, 1-3 minutes per mile slower than a runner's 10k pace. The objective of these runs is to build blood volume and to increase muscle strength, endurance, and aerobic fitness. One method is to run at your maximum aerobic heart rate which can be calculated by subtracting your age from 180 and making minor adjustments according to age and training. Long Slow Distance is exactly what it sounds like. A typical 5k runner might consider 8 to 10 miles LSD, while a marathoner might run 20 or more miles. LSD runs are typically done at an easy pace, 1-3 minutes per mile slower than a runner's 10k pace. The objective of these runs is to build blood volume and to increase muscle strength, endurance, and aerobic fitness. One method is to run at your maximum aerobic heart rate which can be calculated by subtracting your age from 180 and making minor adjustments according to age and training.

顧名思義,典型的5K選手需要跑8--10英里的LSD,馬拉松就需要跑至少20英里。LSD跑法是以一種很輕鬆的節奏跑的,一英里的速度要比進行萬米比賽的時候的速度慢上1-3分鐘。種訓練的目的是讓選手增加血量並提高肌肉力量、耐力和有氧能力(譯者注——aerobic fitness這個兩個詞需要一點兒運動生理學知識,aerobic是運用氧的技能,包括氧氣攝取、氧氣運送和氧氣的使用,也就是肺、心血管和肌肉三大體系的效能;fitnesswhen you are healthy and strong enough to do hard work or play sports-朗文詞典給的解釋,就是足夠強健去完成競技比賽或艱苦的事情的狀態)

However, Henderson’s book was not only directed at competitive runners, but also at runners who wanted to have fun running. He writes, “LSD isn't just a training method. It's a whole way of looking at the sport. Those who employ it are saying running is fun -- all running, not just the competitive part which yields rewards.” However, Henderson’s book was not only directed at competitive runners, but also at runners who wanted to have fun running. He writes, “LSD isn't just a training method. It's a whole way of looking at the sport. Those who employ it are saying running is fun -- all running, not just the competitive part which yields rewards.”


An ethos for recreational running An ethos for recreational running

Since the book first appeared, a running revolution took place during the 1970s with tens of thousands recreational runners taking the roads many using LSD as a basis. Since the book first appeared, a running revolution took place during the 1970s with tens of thousands recreational runners taking the roads many using LSD as a basis.



An example of the LSD approach is provided by the Honolulu Marathon Clinic. Its founder, cardiologist Jack Scaff, used a long slow distance approach for training tens of thousands of marathon finishers. Over a period of nine months, the Clinic promises the possibility of finishing one’s first marathon. The method is completely LSD—long runs at a talking pace—“the minute you can’t talk,” you are going too fast.[6] An example of the LSD approach is provided by the Honolulu Marathon Clinic. Its founder, cardiologist Jack Scaff, used a long slow distance approach for training tens of thousands of marathon finishers. Over a period of nine months, the Clinic promises the possibility of finishing one’s first marathon. The method is completely LSD—long runs at a talking pace—“the minute you can’t talk,” you are going too fast.[6]

舉個例子:心臟病學家Jack Scaff就建議LSD作為一種訓練方法指導火奴魯魯馬拉松訓練營的幾萬人完成了馬拉松比賽。 經過九個月的訓練,訓練營幫助很多人提高了完成比賽的可能性。訓練營僅僅用LSD這一個單一的訓練方法——LSD就是這樣的速度——你能夠邊跑邊說話的強度。 這樣,你就能跑得更快了。

Starting out with an hour run three times a week and building up to weekly averages of 40 to 60 miles a week for the last three months, thousands of graduates of the program have found that they could complete the full Honolulu Marathon which is held every year in beginning of December. The clinic’s approach can be seen from its Rules of the Road Starting out with an hour run three times a week and building up to weekly averages of 40 to 60 miles a week for the last three months, thousands of graduates of the program have found that they could complete the full Honolulu Marathon which is held every year in beginning of December. The clinic’s approach can be seen from its Rules of the Road


The rules: 

 No fewer than three runs per week

No more than five runs per week

No less than one hour per run

No farther than 15 miles on any run

One run per week lasting two hours or more (after month 5) 

Over the past 34 years, more than 585,000 runners have started the Honolulu Marathon, with over 482,000 finishers, a finishing rate of over 82%. Over the past 34 years, more than 585000 runners have started the Honolulu Marathon, with over 482000 finishers, a finishing rate of over 82%.


1 什麼是LSD(或Long Run)?
LSD = Long, Slow Distance,直譯就是長距離慢跑啦。
有的文章中就簡稱為Long Run

2。多長的距離可以算是LSD[Note By Joel:1mile = 約1.6km]






對於slow runner beginner(大概全程目標在3個半小時以外),以全程比賽的速度進行即可。對於3-hour runner(全程目標在3小時以內的選手),每英里用時比全程比賽用時慢30-90秒,大概相當於每公里用時比比賽用時慢20-50秒。


對於expericenced runner,全程前經歷3-6LSD為宜。 換句話說,偶們如果想在全程時有好成績,應該進行5-625-30km左右的拉練,也就是至少跑三次以上的國防長線。


A。對LSD要重視,treat it as a real marathon race

BLSD之前和之後的兩天都應該rest or easy run,特別是之前的一天,最好全歇。

CLSD之前的一天,要攝取足夠的碳水化合物,調整身體狀態,實際上都是第一條準則的體現。 LSD之前的一天,要攝取足夠的碳水化合物,調整身體狀態,實際上都是第一條準則的體現。



Sunday: LSD
Monday: Rest or easy run
Tuesday: Easy run
Wednesday: Run hard Speed training, mostly

Thursday: Easy run
Friday: Moderate run
Saturday: Rest or easy run

也就是說,不要連續兩週週末都跑一個30km 在間歇周的週末可以進行10-14mile左右的Medium Run,也就是16-20km



對於expericened runner,恢復時間大概在48-72小時之間。對於expericened runner,恢復時間大概在48-72小時之間。 因此LSD之後的一天最好全歇。因此LSD之後的一天最好全歇。


有,而且absolutely至於原因就blablabla 偶懶得看了,呵呵。


文中對於expericened runner的定義是,在備戰全程前兩個月的周運動量達到50-60miles,也就是至少80km/week


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