這是我從我的MSN space搬過來的(2007年)兩年前舊文章,
其實會先搬這篇也是因為最近又有"Release" Event , 我們公司派駐在客戶(xxx)Lab 這邊的(加我共)五位同事,
上禮拜二(2009.02.17)我休假期間, 有三位被我們公司主管告知上到月底(2009.02.27/週五)
[我和同事們討論之後,都認為應該是與Project重要與否/產品規模 + PM的關係... ]
It's a huge shock for me !Usually there are not so many head accounts releasing happened to my company at same time! Even it does , it should affect a little after other vendors releasing many.
還好,我已經在去年下旬上了IBM Lotus Notes/Domino Application Developement 的課程, 上完可也考上Lotus N/D R8 的SA1 & AD1的licenses...如果真的下一次輪到我, 我還可以考慮轉行...XD
Origjonal posted date:2007/08/11
It had been 7 months to being working here .
Not only the time, the physical connections between work and life are getting more and more equlvalent , like previous job.
The better places now are : I got the better working enviroment and culture , good integrity inside the colleagues , nice trusting mode .....
Fortunately , I can get rid of the God Damn poltic and conservative way in my working area.. ,
working with the Foreign Corporation staff could show me some ways that I never thought or ever dreamt about...
Reminding the beginning of current job , it's a chance.
Would you take the chance and say "I'll do it" if it's the opportunaty that you had desired and ever reach in your origional professional area ?
Recently , the "Release Event" make me feel so-called crisis consciousness again , deeper and deeply .
Yes , NO ONE WILL LEAVE the COMFORTABLE ZONE...unless it's no longer safe.....
But , when the day comes , it's been too late ... to react.
My friends , those still stay in your own little zone , move on to find your second , third..and more irreplaceable zones....
We all need them . Just the time matter.