之前我的 IT band疼痛了一段時間==>check (真的不是膝蓋的錯,都是 IT-band(骼脛束)的錯!!(我一直錯怪了膝蓋...) ,
在尚未判斷出是IT band之前,有特別去網站找一些相關的文章試圖找出原因.
『運動生理學網站--跑者下肢運動傷害原因的探討』<=Click to open origional page.
一般來說,脛前肌拉傷(anterior tibialis strain)、脛骨內側壓力症候群(medial tibial stress
syndrome)、脛腔隙症候群(compartment syndrome) 、疲勞性骨折(stress
fracture)、與跟腱肌腱炎(achilles tendinitis)等,都是跑者常出現的下肢肢運動傷害(Mckeag &
Dolan,1989) 。除此之外,足底筋膜炎(plantar fascutis)、髖骨與股骨症候群(patellofemoral
syndrome) 與髂脛束症候群(iliotibial band syndrome)等,亦常見於跑者的下肢(Fick
等人,1992;Messier & Pittala,1988)。由此可見,跑者下肢運動傷害的複雜程度。.....
『What is pronation ? 』<=Click to open origional page.
Pronation is the inward (medial) roll of the foot and in particular the heel and arch which occurs naturally at the heel strike as a cushioning mechanism.
Overpronation is when the feet roll inward too much.
Supination, also known as underpronation, is the opposite to pronation where the feet don't roll inward enough. Wearing the wrong type of shoe will lead to painful shins and joints, or even injury.
How do
I find out if I pronate?
It is easy to find out if you're a pronator or supinator - look at your
trainers! A pronator's outer soles wear down along the inside of the
ball of the foot and they tend to have flat feet.
The supinator's outer soles wear down along the outer edge and their
feet tend to have high arches. Shoes are designed with features to control
these problems.
For more ,click followings to watch detailed video of Runner’s World.
(to be continued to collect....)